Saturday, October 14, 2006

Current Expected Attendees and Regrets

Expected Attendees:

John Bywater, Director, Appropriate Software Foundation

New open-source processes

Claudia Czerkauer, Ph.D. Student

Urban complexity, Space Syntax

Jaap Dawson, Ph.D., Technical University of Delft

Urban complexity, qualitative architectural design

Audun Engh, Council for European Urbanism

European urbanism, educational reform

Brian Hanson, Ph.D., Birkbeck College

Architectural theory, Science of Aspects

Bill Hillier, Ph.D., The Bartlett School, UCL

Space Syntax

Herbert Girardet, Cultural Ecologist, World Future Council

Rapid urbanisation, relationship between sustainability and livability

Brian Goodwin, Ph.D., Professor of Biology, Schumacher College

Qualitative science, consensus methodologies, biological complexity

Richard Hayward, Head of School, University of Greenwich

Urban renaissance, architecture and construction, education

Stephen Marshall, Ph.D., The Bartlett School, UCL

Street patterns, generative codes

Michael Mehaffy, Research Associate, CES Europe

Collaborative research, generative codes

David Miet, Public Works Ministry, Government of France

Pattern Language applications, e.g. street design

Damien Mikolajczyk, Ph.D. Student

Urban complexity, new tools

Paul Murrain, Senior Fellow, The Prince's Foundation

Urban design, collaborative tools, political contexts

Yodan Rofe, Ph.D., Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

New design tools, pattern languages, generative codes

Emily Talen, Ph.D., University of Illinois

New collaborative processes, new assessment and delivery criteria

Marcel Vellinga, Ph.D.,Director, Intenational Vernacular Architecture Unit

Assessment and re-application of useful vernacular patterns

John Worthington, Practitioner, DEGW Architects, London

New design tools and forms of implementation

Members who have given their regrets:

David Brain, Ph.D., New College Florida

New collaborative and civic design processes

Stuart Cowan, Ph. D., Physicist, Ecologist, Portland, OR

Systems Integration, Complexity

Ward Cunningham, MSc., The Eclipse Foundation, Portland, OR

New collaborative software processes

Howard Davis, Ph.D., The University of Oregon

New design tools

Andres Duany, Practitioiner, DPZ and Company

New design tools and implementation strategies

Jan Gehl, Director, Center for Public Space Design, Royal Danish Academy of Arts

New methods to assess and improve public space

Besim Hakim, Independent Scholar and Practitioner

Application of successful historic coding strategies in a modern context

Richard J. Jackson, M.D, MPH, University of California Berkeley

Strategies and tools to promote more salubrious urban patterns

Roderick J. Lawrence, University of Geneva

International practice and urban health

Bernard Lietaer, University of California Berkeley

New economic and currency tools for sustainable practice

Hans Joachim Neis , Ph.D., University of Oregon

New design tools, new applications of Alexandrian ideas

Lora Nicolaou, Director of Research, Urban Renaissance Institute

Research, analytical and generative tools, urban renaissance

Ernesto Philibert, Ph.D., Tec de Monterrey, Campus Queretaro

New analytical tools, transversal connectivity

Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, Dean, University of Miami

New design tools, architectural education

Nikos Salingaros, Ph. D, University of Texas

New scientific insights into environmental structuring processes

Bankoku Sasagawa, Practitioner, Tokyo, Japan

New design tools, new applications of Alexandrian ideas

Lucien Steil, Practitioner, Luxembourg, LU

New urban approaches incprporating successful historic patterns

Roger Ulrich , Ph.D., TAMU, The Pebble Project

New evidence for best practice, and new evidence-based design methodologies


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